Winter Reflect and Dream


Winter Reflect and Dream

November 30, 2020 Sheera King

Winter is the time to reflect and dream. Our natural rhythm is to slow down, restock and prepare for spring. One of the best gifts you can give yourself and others, is the time to stop, rest, nurture, nourish and have true deep connections. It’s a magical time to reflect on the year’s moments that filled you and made you feel good, everything just flowed.

What was it that naturally made that happen? Was it that you were so connected to your truth, your undiluted truth? Do you know what your truth is, that pure undiluted part of yourself? It’s also a truth to reflect on those moments that didn’t flow for you, causing you to feel out of sorts, just so irritated, chaotic, feeling down and miserable. What was it that made that happen?

Can you remember how you were feeling and what your thoughts were when this happened? What was it about those moments that caused you to be driven towards or away from your true self? The answer to these questions will help you know what you need to nurture and nourish yourself truthfully.

Here is a simple exercise to do.

Start with drawing two columns. Then head one column chaos and the other column peace. At the bottom of the chaos column put fear. At the bottom of the peace column put love.

Give yourself three minutes for each column, six minutes in total. Think of those moments of fear, chaos, love and peace. Write down what ignited your stresses and fears that drove you towards chaos, disconnecting you from your undiluted truth.

Then write down what ignited your love, connecting you to your pure truth that put you into a natural flow towards peace. This is a beautiful exercise to do not just in the winter season but also throughout the year. It shows you the way to stay on your true path. To be your true undiluted truthful self.

Dream, dream, dream.

What about your dreams? Where would we be without our dreams, big dreams and small? The above exercise will help you to connect to your authentic dreams.

Knowing what drives you towards your truth and away from your truth. It shines a light on your authentic dreams. It opens your vision to taking true action to bring them into fruition. Small everyday magical dreams to big visionary profound dreams are what keep us alive and true.

Here is another simple exercise to do.

A quick and simple exercise to keep you aligned with your winter rhythm or times when you need to slow down and keep present.

Pause. Close your eyes and breathe in for the count of three. Smile while you breathe out for the count of three. Open your eyes.

Did you feel your smile widen as you opened your eyes? To deepen the effect you can do it in front of a mirror. Better still do it with a colleague, friend or family member. It’s simple, effective and beautiful.

Purchase a gift for yourself.

You are unique and understanding your uniqueness brings truth, clarity and vision. The Women’s Soft PowerType profile test shines a light on your strengths and vulnerabilities. It shows you how you’re connecting everyday to your true self versus untruthful expectations of you. Click here to find out more

Winter. It is the season to…..

Reflect, dream, connect to your undiluted truth and manifest love, peace, deep connections, nourishment, laughter and let yourself shine. After all, that is what the raw undiluted truth of this season is all about.

With much love

Sheera xx

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