

Are you struggling with a specific challenge that you need to deal with quickly?

Then the PowerHour is ideal. 

Whether your challenge is related to work or your personal life I can help you pin-point the cause, give you tools to resolve the challenge and stop the negative impact on your wellbeing.

After a PowerHour with me you will be able to get back on track. 

  • The PowerHour will start with a questionnaire sent prior to the session via email. 
  • We will then set a date and jump onto a Zoom call. 
  • During the PowerHour we will explore and brainstorm the challenge together. 
  • Deep diving into the root cause using the archetypes for insights and feedback.
  • Give you strategies to implement selected coaching tools to move you forward.

Some clients choose to move on from the PowerHour to my 12 week program or attend my Power of Feminine Flow workshop. Others find that the PowerHour was all they needed and just come back for another as and when required. 

The PowerHour is ideal for female entrepreneurs, business owners, teams and for those leading a female team. It can also be a great way to understand what I can offer in terms of wellbeing coaching and how my unique approach can help you become more successful and fulfilled. The PowerHour costs just £97.00 and can help you go from Frantic to Fulfilled!

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