Rachel – Fruition for Business


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Rachel was in the middle of transitioning businesses, so was going through the motions of change within her work life. In her personal life, she had also recently suffered a heart-breaking miscarriage.

Sheera delivered a Soft PowerType Profiling service with additional coaching to Rachel. Rachel was fascinated to see and understand how so much of the PowerType profiling explained who she was as a person. Everything suddenly made sense to her. It made Rachel feel like she is the way she is for a reason, rather than questioning it as she always had done previously. The coaching offered Rachel more clarity on who she was as person, gave her an understanding of how to work with who she is and allowed her to embrace certain traits. This resolution helped Rachel to cope in a time of change and sadness, moving forward with her life.

“It was so lovely to have my PowerType Profiling with Sheera and came at a very adapt time in my life. The profiling itself is a great way to see where your strengths are an embrace them but also, how to bring, the not so strong, parts of you into more balance and basically embrace them too. I found it absolutely fascinating that it explained so much of who I am as a person, and everything just seemed to make more sense. Sheera was amazing to work with and had a certain way of explaining things that were fascinating and productive too. I came away with clear actions I could work on in my life to help bring me even more balance and clarity.”

Rachel Clayton – Fruition for Business

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